参观我们的陈列室:周一至周日 08:00AM-08:00PM

致电我们:+855 23 210 666 / +855 85 210 666



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Lemon-Rosemary Chicken
Chicken / Rosemary / Lemon
Imported Oysters Grill (5 Pieces)
Oysters / Veggie / Ginger
Wild Mushroom Bucatini with Kale
Mushroom / Veggie / White Sources
Tuna Roast Source
Tuna / Potatoes / Rice

Main Course

Salted Fried Chicken
Chicken / Olive Oil / Salt
Crab With Curry Sources
Crab / Potatoes / Rice
Imported Salmon Steak
Salmon / Veggies / Oil
Pork with Italian Salsa Verde
Pork / Tomatoes / Veggies



Cheval Blanc 是法国风格和独创性。 它将带您踏上一段奇妙的旅程,在最先进的环境中享受各种美食体验。 您一定会对我们的米其林星级主厨和合格友好的工作人员的服务感到惊讶,这预示着更多美妙的体验将诱惑您一次又一次地重复旅程

Celeste 天空酒吧是永恒的经典,以其为新老顾客提供的国际化和地道体验而闻名。 有影响力的决策者的首选餐厅,其优美的环境和 360 度旋转的金边天际线景观确保您的美食体验是最高品质的。

Ed’s Café 是一家著名的高档风格咖啡馆,位于 The Penthouse Residence 的 41 楼,设有无边泳池,我们的客人可以在这里享用他们最喜欢的餐点,同时俯瞰金边的城市天际线。 我们的国际厨师将为您提供当地、西式或健康美食,或者只是喝杯咖啡,在我们的空中泳池边放松身心,享受这里的氛围。

Welcome to Celeste

Celeste Revolving Restaurant offers an exceptional dining experience on the 43rd floor of a luxurious condominium, thanks to our revolving rooftop. Relax in our comfortable couches while enjoying the breathtaking view of Phnom Penh cityscape. Discover our selection of cocktails, drinks and fine dishes that will lighten your evening. We will do our best to give a pleasurable memory in our restaurant.